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What to Do About Matthew Scully and Sarah Palin

I received dozens of e-mails, and not just from Animal Person readers, asking what I think we should do about Matthew Scully and Sarah Palin (some people asked only about the latter and never heard of the former, but did share my disappointment when I told them who wrote her speech).

Here are my thoughts:

  • Forget about Matthew Scully. He’s not an animal rights advocate, he’s a staunch Catholic and conservative, and other than wanting "mercy" for animals (and that’s even a stretch, as I wouldn’t say mercy), we have nothing in common. We don’t have the same values. We don’t want the same things for this country. And realistically, we don’t want the same thing for animals.
  • I think about Howard Lyman and of course say to myself: "If that guy can change, anybody can." But I’ve read his book, I’ve seen him interviewed, and at no point did I feel like he enjoyed killing anyone. He didn’t look forward to it and relish it. And for me, that’s an important distinction. Sarah Palin (the "killa from Wasilla" likes to kill. But if Matthew Scully can somehow make a dent in that kind of mentality, god bless him. However I’m not holding my breath or spending any more energy on that.
  • I belong to oodles of lists about politics–from both sides–and perhaps you do too. If you do, you’ve been getting links to articles, as well as letters from Executive Directors, about Palin’s views. This, in my opinion, is all I need. Here’s what has to say:

Palin recently said that the war in Iraq is "God’s task." She’s even admitted she hasn’t thought about the war much—just last year she was quoted saying, "I’ve been so focused on state government, I haven’t really focused much on the war in Iraq." 1, 2

Palin has actively sought the support of the fringe Alaska Independence Party. Six months ago, Palin told members of the group—who advocate for a vote on secession from the union—to "keep up the good work" and "wished the party luck on what she called its ‘inspiring convention.’" 3

Palin wants to teach creationism in public schools. She hasn’t made clear whether she thinks evolution is a fact.4

Palin doesn’t believe that humans contribute to global warming. Speaking about climate change, she said, "I’m not one though who would attribute it to being manmade." 5

Palin has close ties to Big Oil. Her inauguration was even sponsored by BP. 6

Palin is extremely anti-choice. She doesn’t even support abortion in the case of rape or incest. 7

Palin opposes comprehensive sex-ed in public schools. She’s said she will only support abstinence-only approaches. 8

As mayor, Palin tried to ban books from the library. Palin asked the library how she might go about banning books because some had inappropriate language in them—shocking the librarian, Mary Ellen Baker. According to Time, "news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor." 9

She DID support the Bridge to Nowhere (before she opposed it). Palin claimed that she said "thanks, but no thanks" to the infamous Bridge to Nowhere. But in 2006, Palin supported the project repeatedly, saying that Alaska should take advantage of earmarks "while our congressional delegation is in a strong position to assist." 10


1. "Palin: Iraq war ‘a task that is from God’," Associated Press, September 3, 2008

2. "Palin wasn’t ‘really focused much’ on the Iraq war," ThinkProgress, August 30, 2008
3. "The Sarah Palin Digest," ThinkProgress, September 4, 2008
4. "McCain and Palin differ on issues," Associated Press, September 3, 2008
5. Ibid
6. The Sarah Palin Digest," ThinkProgress, September 4, 2008
7. Ibid.

8. Ibid.
9. "Mayor Palin: A Rough Record," Time, September 2, 2008
10. The Sarah Palin Digest," ThinkProgress, September 4, 2008

Finally, I will mention one personal thing that I found disturbing: Trig, Palin’s newest child who has Down Syndrome, is being treated like a prop. I saw two entire segments on the news about who held Trig at the convention, following him around from person to person, ending with him being held by his mother at the end, at the pivotal moment where the McCains and the Palins were being applauded and confetti was falling all over them, and I found it all distasteful (of course this is on Fox-type news channels). The newspeople talked about how "real" she is because her son has Down Syndrome and her teenage daughter is pregnant. I could pick both of those kids out of a line-up, but I have no idea what the other three look like. And don’t even try to tell me that that’s an accident. We all know that everything about that evening was well-choreographed. I don’t think any campaign should be about a candidate’s children. But if you don’t, then you shouldn’t parade them around and focus so much attention on the ones who might help your campaign.

PS-Just returned from the grocery store (time to come to terms with the hurricane situation and prepare) and saw three magazine covers with Palin holding Trig. No other family members–just the two of them.

8 Comments Post a comment
  1. Nick #

    You have scared me so much in this one post that I might reconsider my vote, even though I have donated to the Nader campaign.

    September 5, 2008
  2. Nick,
    I'm not a democrat either, and I'm voting for Obama because these people's beliefs scare the sh*t out of me! And my husband, who's a REPUBLICAN (I know, I know, it's shocking) said that for the first time in his life he might actually not vote republican because this time he's not voting for a President, but AGAINST a Vice President.

    That's one for the history books . . .

    September 5, 2008
  3. Another claim to fame for Ms. Palin (and the town she made famous):

    'Wasilla is meth capital of Alaska'

    September 5, 2008
  4. P.S. – today on 'The Thom Hartmann Radio Program' (I am a regular listener) I heard a caller relay something he had read on a blog (did not get the source) with regard to the Republicans ridiculing Obama's resume ("community organizer") and qualifications for President.

    "Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor"

    Have a good weekend!

    September 5, 2008
  5. Thanks to Bea for the link to the Time Magazine article, which clarifies that Scully was brought on for the speech before Palin was chosen. That may or may not make a difference to someone critical of him. It doesn't really make a difference to me, as his world/their world isn't something I could ever influence on a large scale.,8599,1838808,00.html

    September 5, 2008
  6. Bea Elliott #

    Indeed it does appear that Scully is more influenced by unborn children than by living animals. I recall the many times while reading "Dominion" that I had to "re-write" his references to abortion. His relationship to "pro-life Palin, regardless-of-circumstances" cannot be re-written or appeased.

    Palin does have a dismal record regarding animal and planetary concerns. She's about as anti-nonhuman life as it gets. I'm not a "Democrat" either, and have voted "Republican" in the past. There is nothing in this McCain/Palin ticket that reflects my political beliefs. And I'm happy to say, many Republicans I know are also abandoning ship.

    Everything does appear fake, "staged" and contrived. But why does that surprise me? If one can exploit animals for pleasure – surely there's no issue with exploiting children for votes.

    September 5, 2008
  7. kim #

    I just blogged about why it is so important to avoid voting 3rd-party this year. If there was ever a reason to vote AGAINST a candidate, she is the reason of all reasons!

    September 6, 2008
  8. Bea Elliott #

    Mary, you mentioned Palin using her kids as a prop… Let's all prepare for this one. Her eldest son is being shipped to Iraq on Sept. 11th. Of all the other 364 days it could have been. Talk about contrived and manipulated! I hope the media and voters see through this blatant mis-use of an American tragedy.

    September 9, 2008

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