Updates and Corrections
First, Little Black and Big Tom, one more time . . .
Big Tom was the guest most anxious to leave my humble abode and was returned this morning, to a ghost town of a colony, with few cats in sight. Little Black is in a large dog kennel, curled up in her litter box, going nowhere near her tasty, stinky canned food, and she will be returned tomorrow. I'm still not satisfied with the photo of her, and I might try again.
As for the eagle's nest, I think all of the people who surround the nest each morning are mistaken. The movement of the enormous birds' heads is very owl-like. Later I shall go, binoculars in hand, and settle this once and for all.
The correction for the day is regarding Duffy. A friend is visiting who was interested in Duffy so I called the contact who said that the first (apparently I have the first) draft of the plea was misleading. Duffy cannot be in a home with a cat. Duffy doesn't chase cats when on a leash, but in the home it's a different story. Duffy really needs to be the only pet in the home or perhaps with a female dog (ask just in case–the implication was there).
An update that of course thrills me is that Jamaica has decided to not grant permission for the introduction of greyhound racing (read the letter from Bruce Golding, Jamaica's Prime Minister–it's only two sentence long, but it does the job).
A less-than-thrilling update is that South Africa is still considering dog racing. Here's more on the story, and your thoughts can be sent to:
Professor Elizabeth Snyman-Van Deventer
University of the Free State
Faculty of Law
P.O. Box 339
9300 South Africa
The Citizen Newspaper
P.O. Box 43069
Industria 2042
Have a greyt day and support Grey2kUSA!
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