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Two New(ish) Films and a Video

Here‘s the schedule for screenings of Seeing Through the Fence (and thanks, Bea).


Next, there’s Food, Inc., featuring Eric Schlosser and Michael Pollan, "along with forward thinking social entrepreneurs like Stonyfield Farms’ Gary Hirschberg and Polyface Farms’ Joe Salatin" (happy meat, anyone?). The Take Part page for the film gives you an idea of all of the topics, and no, there’s no animal rights angle (there’s an animal welfare one).

The reason I’m looking forward to the film is Schlosser’s continuing investigation of the treatment of farm workers, which finally led him to the Sunshine State and he said "things were worse in Florida than the worst that I’d seen in California." Migrant farm workers are basically slaves here. Here’s more of Schlosser on Florida farming.

Finally, you don’t have to be a staunch Obama advocate to cackle at this Les Miserables takeoff (Les Misbarack). Thanks to Judy for the link. Enjoy!

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  1. The video from Food Inc. does look very interesting. I'd particularly like to see more on the story about "soil" as a resource and how it too is being degraded – who knew?

    Schlosser's investigation about the migrant (slave labor) farm workers here in "sunshine state" is very disturbing. I'm here in central Fl, and see the shanties and shacks these workers live in… This "sub-human" housing is usually on the property of the groves or fields. I've been told also, that many workers sleep in abandoned cars placed in the middle of the groves, away from public view…

    When strawberries are picked – many of the workers appear to be "tweens" or younger… This is awful!

    All the more reason to buy from the local "small" grower and "farmer's market". My favorite vendor is a retired senior who grows/picks his own. But there is no "variety" and the small quantity he has, sells out quickly… Still, I hope he lives a very long life – I hate the idea of buying from "corporate" farms. The exploitation to it's workers is just not acceptable.

    September 15, 2008

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