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PPS Co-founder has Heart Attack

As many of you know by now, Chris Alley-Grubb, co-founder of Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary, suffered a heart attack last week.

Here’s the text from the e-mail entitled "Heart Strong:"

Chris has been Vegan for 18 years, and doesn’t fit any of the usual heart attack profiles or risk factors, other than hereditary heart problems and having to deal with extraordinary levels of stress.

Running a sanctuary dedicated to the lifelong care, protection, and advocacy of the most exploited and mass murdered animals on the planet – Farmed Animals – is extremely taxing on those of us who witness the horrors endured by the innocent victims of of egg, dairy and meat production . Our emotional, physical, and mental fortitude is tested everyday in ways that are impossible to describe.

Chris has put everything he has into building PPS. Thanks to his complete devotion to our mission, Peaceful Prairie is bigger, better, and more productive for billions of animals worldwide, than ever. We will continue to thrive with your support. The much needed break Chris is being forced to take, will cut into PPS’ resources now that Chris will not be able to keep giving so much of himself.

For Chris, and for the animals to whom he has devoted his Life, Please Go Vegan – and continue your support of Peaceful Prairie!

Thank You!

If you haven’t ever seen Peaceful Prairie’s website, you simply must. It is gorgeous, educational, uplifting and heartbreaking. And though I don’t happen to know anyone in this economy who is doing extraordinarily well, I do know that most people can give a one-time 50 or 100 dollar donation without having to change their lifestyle. Go to the How You Can Help page for ways to give.

2 Comments Post a comment
  1. First of all, my heart goes out to Chris, family and PPS. No pun intended. Seriously.

    Second, this reminds me of all the heart health talks I used to give for PCRM, and why I don't think the health argument is the best way to promote veganism. Hell, in my most stressed moments, I get chest pains myself. I have to remind myself to thaw out and relax a bit so that I don't harm myself so much. It's a shame that so few people have taken on the burden of helping animals. If we could share this effort with many others, it would be so much easier. That said, it is up to us to take care of ourselves.

    I think they've been mentioned before, but I'd suggest Christ and others read Aftershock by pattrice jones and The Lifelong Activist by Hillary Rettig.

    Take care of yourselves!!!

    March 12, 2008
  2. Michael Prejean #

    First, thanks to Dr. Mary for helping to spread word of this tragic event. I think Chris is in good spirits and hopefully resting, although as one might imagine, this is really taking a toll on Michele. PPS really needs your support now, more than ever. If you are moved to pitch in and you want to make your donation go further e-mail me at and I will match donations throughout the month of March.

    March 13, 2008

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