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People Hurt at Bull Run Survive, Bulls Don’t

Like many people, when I think of Pamplona’s bull run, I’m disgusted with humans.

Over a dozen people were hurt this year, including an American, and of course the bulls were brutally slaughtered.

When I watch the brief video of part of the run my heart sinks and I am nauseated and embarrassed that so many of my kind find the thought of harming the majestic creatures entertaining. I experience what can only be a tiny bit of the terror and confusion the bulls are feeling. And I wonder if they know that things will only get much, much worse for them.

Then I want justice and I silently wish for the bulls to trample on the people.

There . . . I’ve said it.

5 Comments Post a comment
  1. Nick #

    Species traitor!

    I feel the same way. My girlfriend has a button that says "I heart hunting accidents."

    July 13, 2008
  2. Angus #

    "I heart hunting accidents". Awesome.

    July 13, 2008
  3. Bea Elliott #

    Pamplona's bull run: an embarrassment to the human race – and blasphemous to any concept of decency.

    July 13, 2008
  4. Mike Grieco #

    I hear you Mary, I hear you! Nonhuman animals should have the "RIGHT" to defend themselves from the evil's that humans do to them.

    I was sick to my soul when in 1986 in Central America saw what the Matadors do to the bulls before they are murdered.

    Humans continue to swing the pendulum of violence toward our fello creatures–the savagery of humankind continues. Pathetic!

    Thank you, Mary.

    July 14, 2008
  5. meerkat #

    Man, I remember once a substitute Spanish teacher in high school showed us pictures of bullfighting and told us all the gory details–because bullfighting was so awesome and beautiful. I wish I could go back in time and get my (vegetarian) parents to storm the principal's office in outrage, but I think I applied my usual strategy of not talking about anything that happened at school because it was depressing enough to be there when I was there.

    July 15, 2008

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