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Peaceful Prairie Blog Interview

I did a blogger interview, as many of you probably have, but I’m not sure of the business model behind the deal. Go to to check it out. You can rate your favorite blogs, which is sort of weird, as why would you rate someone poorly. That’s just not nice.

However, the potential boon of it all is that Peaceful Prairie’s blog is in FIRST PLACE! And deservedly so, as it’s the most beautiful blog I’ve ever seen. If we all vote/rate (obviously giving it the 5 it deserves), and it stays on top, maybe more people who know nothing about the lives of farmed animals will be drawn in because of the beauty of the site, and learn something. And maybe they’ll put their new knowledge to work in their lives by beginning to curb their use of animals, or even going vegan outright (you never know).

I don’t know anything about the real motivation for this interviewer-site. There are ads all over it, so that tells me something. But I don’t care. It can’t possibly hurt Peaceful Prairie, and it might help. You can leave a comment when you rate the blog. I tried to but the system wouldn’t let me. It also wouldn’t let me rate PPS, or anything else, and I sent an e-mail alerting–whoever–about that.

But still, it technically should take only a moment, and in the end it might help a very worthy cause get the exposure it needs and deserves.

6 Comments Post a comment
  1. Yeah, they contacted me, too. I think they're trying to get people to do the PayPerPost thing, but no matter.

    AAFL is number 6 in that right sidebar now. Thanks for helping me get there. 🙂

    Has yours gone up yet?

    July 8, 2007
  2. I had them take mine down. It's not like it's my livelihood, and I wanted to give PPS (because it is their livelihood) all the attention. Maybe some new people will be introduced to them, even if this whole thing is bunkum.


    July 8, 2007
  3. Hello there,

    In regards to our business model, yes we do rely on pay per post sign ups to stay up and running. On the flip side, we don't require users to sign up or pay any fees to get their sites listed. We also don't require a link back to us like most other directories (of course links are appreciated).

    We DO offer a completely free way to promote your blog and give attention to some that may get lost in the blogosphere. In the future we will also have contests and prizes to make the experience more fun.

    Mary, we still have your interview saved if you'd like us to put it back up, but of course it's totally up to you. If you have any questions feel free to email me.



    July 9, 2007
  4. Mike Grieco #

    Mary Martin-thank you AGAIN. I am addicted to your blog.BRAVO!
    Peaceful Prairie's Blog is AWESOME, incredibly moving and inspiring.WOW!

    SHINE ON 🙂

    July 9, 2007
  5. I don't think it's a nefarious scheme. But I also don't have time to deal with people e-mailing me if they have trouble rating me, so I took mine down. Besides, it's not as if my livelihood depends on it. The animals at PPS rely on outside support. I'd rather everyone focus their energy on them, as they might get more supporters, and certainly more exposure, because of their blog interview.

    July 9, 2007
  6. Hi Mary, & all your readers, thanks so much for your very kind words and for encouraging people to learn more about the most misunderstood, underrepresented, and exploited beings on earth, farmed animals.

    With every blog entry ,we hope you all can come to know the wonder and fascination surrounding the extraordinary lives and individual personalities of some of the Peaceful Prairie residents. We are so fortunate to know these incredible individuals , and Joanna works very hard,while making it look effortless, to relay their stories, from their perspective. They deserve nothing less.

    Again, to you Mary, and all of you who have been so supportive of our mission, we thank you!

    July 9, 2007

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