On “The Future of Food”
Last night, I watched "The Future of Food" (it’s available at Blockbuster.com). This 10-minute trailer starts getting really interesting just before minute eight (and if someone can tell me what is happening with the cow, I think, at minute 8.35, I’d appreciate it). The film, particularly after the first half which is mostly about Monsanto and I know more than I ever wanted to about the evil geniuses there, is at it’s best when talking about the big picture ramifications of what initially looked like corporate America versus small farmers.
There are two things we can all do to combat this dire, dire situation: buy organic food only (and local, if you can), and vote. Who wants to keep America in the grips of corporate socialism, and who wants to get rid of all the corporate subsidies that result in cheap, toxic food for the masses (oh, and disastrous effects on the environment)? I haven’t paid much attention yet, but I know that Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul appear to be saying the right things here (though Paul is anti-choice, so he’d never get my vote, and good luck with that returning-to-the-gold-standard idea).
Check out where the candidates stand regarding the environment. Remember, I voted for Ralph Nader . . . twice . . . so I’m not necessarily gunning for any of these candidates. But it’s good to be able to participate in the national discussion. When you go to dinner parties and holiday events over the next month, rather than look blank as people talk about Dancing with the Stars, which you don’t watch, start a discussion about where the candidates stand on the environment, and have a meaningful discussion about the future of food.
I forgot to add that another thing we can all do is not buy products made with corn, corn syrup, corn meal, corn oil, etc…. Ditto for soy, unless labelled non-GMO.
Does it make me a bad person if I watch Dancing With the Stars?
Dancing with the stars was the first tv show that came to mind. I was going to say Survivor, but I never watched that either and wondered if it was still on. I'm WAY out of the TV loop, although I do have an inexplicable preoccupation with Journeyman and Dirty Sexy Money. No offense intended. At least no one eats live creatures on that show (right?).
I would never peg you for the Dirty Sexy Money type. Shock.
I lead a bit of a double life, and that show reminds me of some wonderful, yet entertaining people I know and love. Oh, and Brothers and Sisters IS my husband's family, except they're all Republicans rather than Democrats. (Though they have started to ask questions and are finally getting skeptical. There might just be a god.)