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On Humane Societies and Calf-Roping

Cgy-calf-roping-ad  Angus directed me to a story about the Calgary Stampede (rodeo) and the Calgary and Vancouver Humane Societies which had me asking: Whose side are they on?

Here's the backstory:

  • Calgary has what they call a "western culture," which essentially is their two word justification for abusing animals in the cruel and not-even-close-to fair venue of people-over-animals-who-don't-stand-a-chance.
  • The Vancouver Humane Society wanted to run the calf=baby/roper=bully ad in the Calgary Sun, which decided against the idea as the abuse of animals is part of their "very proud local institution." The newspaper also claims that the advertising department thought the ad was "offensive" and that is why it wasn't run.
  • The Calgary Humane Society works with the Stampede to make sure the animals are safe (and by the way that's impossible if the animals are being used in the rodeo. Safe, unharmed rodeo animals is an oxymoron).
  • The Vancouver Humane Society wants to ban calf-roping. Not the rodeo. Calf-roping (which of course is a hideous practice, but so are the rest of the animal-related rodeo activities).

Do you see where the average, critical thinker might have a problem with this scenario?

  • If the Vancouver Humane Society is on the side of the animals, why focus on calf-roping? I find it hard to believe that that's the only event they think is a disgusting show of injustice and "bullying."
  • The Calgary Humane Society is just as bad for working with the Stampede. How can any humane society worker honestly say that they want the rodeo to continue? Why on Earth would they work with the rodeo rather than to ban it completely? (This sounds an awful lot like the previous bullet, I know.)
  • I don't really believe the rationales the paper came up with for not running the ad, but that's just my opinion.
  • Then again, the ad begs such a basic question (why calf-roping and not rodeo) that I don't quite understand the purpose. Will the VHS support the rodeo if calf-roping is banned? That's what the ad would make me think. Is calf-roping some kind of low-hanging fruit and just the beginning? If so, campaign to ban the rodeo, for heaven's sake! Just be honest about your goal and campaign for it!

I don't get the overwhelming feeling that anyone is on the side of the animals, here. When I look at the Humane Society of the United States' statement on rodeos, I feel much better. It's off to a promising start and includes a promising end:

The HSUS opposes rodeos as they are commonly organized, since they typically cause torment and stress to animals; expose them to pain, injury, or even death; and encourage an insensitivity to and acceptance of the inhumane treatment of animals in the name of sport. Accordingly, we oppose the use of devices such as electric prods, sharpened sticks, spurs, flank straps, and other rodeo equipment that cause animals to react violently, and we oppose bull riding, bronco riding, steer roping, calf roping, "wild horse racing," chuck wagon racing, steer tailing, and horse tripping.

However, the opposition to the use of certain devices tells me that if those devices weren't used, the rodeo would be acceptable. But the HSUS is by no means an animal-rights organization; it is an animal welfare organization. At least it sounds like it's interested in the welfare of all animals in the rodeo, while the VHS statement is ambiguous at best, and contradictory at worst.

What's the difference between the HSUS and the VHS and CHS? The "western culture" that is allowed to rule. Yes, we have pockets of it, too. And in all cases where there is something held sacred today for the simple reason that it was held sacred yesterday, the people with the voices and the dollars have to stand up and say: This is 2009 and we are better than this. There is no reason to continue to torment sentient nonhumans, and to do so for entertainment and profit is to allow the lowest part of ourselves to rule our behavior.

Societies evolve morally. Perhaps the pace of that evolution is glacial in some areas. The only way to speed up the pace is to stand your ground, not back down, and present a message that makes it clear whose side you're on.

All rodeos, everywhere, should be banned. Period.

5 Comments Post a comment
  1. That picture makes me want to cry. How could a human being with a conscience do something like that?

    Back in April there was an article in my university newspaper about how we used to host rodeos in the "coliseum" where we now have basketball and gymnastics. I left a comment saying "Someday people will look back in horror at what they did to their non-human slaves," and got into a debate with someone named "Ag Girl." She tried to make me sound like a hypocrite by saying "Let me ask you this, Nick: are you 100% vegan? […] I highly doubt it." Interesting that she made the connection that non-veganism is hypocrisy when she supports, and participates in, the murder of animals. I'll leave the link to the article and comments as my URL. Just scroll down and click on "Read all 24 comments."

    July 1, 2009
  2. Angus #

    The campaign against calf-roping appears to be a case of going after the low-hanging fruit, since the Vancouver Humane Society (a "welfare" organization in most respects) is opposed to rodeos, calling them "nothing more than manipulative displays of human domination over animals, thinly disguised as entertainment."

    Alberta is the Texas of Canada, a politically conservative province whose wealth is built largely on oil and cattle. The ten-day-long annual Calgary Stampede, which bills itself as "The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth", is a huge tourist attraction and a celebration of the myth of the cowboy West. Any attack on the Stampede is seen by many (not all) Albertans as an attack on their identity, not to mention that the VHS can easily be labelled a bunch of know-nothing agitators from the hippie, pot-smoking "left coast". So it's perhaps understandable that the VHS should focus on calf-roping as an effective means of raising awareness. Unfortunately, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation extensively covers/promotes the Stampede across the country, though that coverage is now being challenged.

    July 1, 2009
  3. I can't think of any organization more effective in exposing rodeo, "western culture" cruelty for all that it is more than SHARK, (SHowing Respect & Kindness). I'm certain the whole mission of SHARK is to dismantle all rodeos… yet, on many videos and news releases, there is mention of specific "illegal" electric prodding devices. Perhaps it is low hanging fruit, but it does reveal the underhanded practices of those involved in this "entertainment". I think there's hope once the underpinning of this "tradition" are invalidated.

    I don't know if this is relevant, but it does remind me of a person who became disturbed at the idea of hunting; not with photos/video of a killed deer… but the bloodstained corn that was the bait. Maybe it's the obvious, (trivilized) details that people grasp first? And maybe with VHS – the calf-roping is the "corn"?

    July 1, 2009
  4. Trey #

    I am a well educated individual that ropes calves. I am not a bully. A calf that one ropes is over 200 lbs and pound for pound stronger than a man. It is a sport. I take care of my animals and so do most others. Calves are not abused and the last thing I want is an injured animal. Please take time to understand things before you claim that someday people will be ashamed of me. You obviously know nothing of calf roping or the lifestyle of those that participate in this great sport. You would be wise to learn about something before making such outrageous claims.

    October 8, 2009
  5. Mary #

    Calf-roping, by definition, is bullying and abusive. You are dominating a sentient nonhuman and making sport of terrorizing that creature. I have only this to ask: What if someone kept you prisoner to release you ever so often to chase you down and slam you to the ground after yanking your feet from under you, with hundreds of other creatures cheering that other person/creature on in the hopes he will properly dominate you.

    Participating in calf-roping is shameful and entirely unethical.

    Bringing sentient nonhumans into the world to control and use them and profit from them is unjust. It is your claim that it is a "great sport" that is outrageous.

    October 8, 2009

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