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On Google, HSUS and Fur

Many bloggers who are pro-animal rights have either not used Google's AdSense or stopped because they discovered that, for instance, their anti-fur post was surrounded by ads for fur. We all know that the ads are generated by computer based on the content. It's not as if the people at Google intentionally set out to make us look foolish or ambivalent about our message or . . . pro creating-animals-to-skin-them-for-their-fur.

That may be true, but not taking a stand by not removing the ads from their inventory (as they have done with other categories) is effectively taking a stand against the animals and for the exploiters.

(I used to support the Animal Rights Zone until I discovered that my posts were often surrounded by fur ads. I wrote to the site's creator, who was initially shocked, but who has yet to respond to my queries thereafter.)

If you haven't seen the latest discussion about the perils of using AdSense, check out HSUS' Michael Markarian's Blog on Huffington Post is Advertising Fur, and its comments, which include a defense by HSUS. The comments also include a suggestion that HuffPo (and presumably HSUS) develop an ethics policy that governs what may show up on their blogs if Google isn't willing to filter out fur ads.

Here's the letter from Chris of Furisevil to HSUS:

Dear HSUS,

Like the raccoon dogs just a few miles from me, in cages awaiting to be killed, I cannot afford to wait for HSUS to do something.

Nothing personal, but I have to blog about this.

If Markarian cares about the fur animals of China, he could easily demand that HP stop selling fur on his blog.

He could ask Wayne to  say something to the Huffington Post.

The animals in Hebei Province need HSUS to be smarter than this.

The horrors of fur farming in China will never end until we in America stop advertising and buying it.

So, why not take the fight to the American media and demand that liberals at Huffington Post, NYT and LA Times stop selling fur.

Better yet, HSUS could start a campaign targeting at Google's DOG AND CAT SKIN Trade.

(All the evidence you need is on — there is no investigation required. 99% of those photos are from Google's own paying clients. They're not hiding anything.)

Google is selling dog and cat skin — HSUS has known about this for almost six months now and done nothing.

I don't see why Huffington Post is any different from the fur farmer skinning an animal alive.

They're both making money off this act of violence.

And, if perchance, Markarian or the HSUS gets paid anything from the HP for blogging there, then HSUS is now in the fur trade too!


The HSUS, no matter what you think of it, has power. Fur should be low-hanging fruit (but that's another topic for another day), and particularly dog and cat fur. I'm not easily stunned by the behavior of humans, particularly when they are motivated by economic concerns, but I'm stunned by the reluctance of powerful people backed by a lot of money to advocate for . . . what they're supposed to be advocating for.

Check out today's challenge to HSUS at:

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