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On Ellen and Skinny Bitches

The authors of SKINNY BITCH and SKINNY BITCH IN THE KITCH, Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin, were on Ellen today, keeping it light and never mentioning the word vegetarian or the word vegan, and I believe the word animal was mentioned once, in list of items the authors now care about. It was fascinating from a marketing and public relations perspective, as if you don’t know what the book is about, you still don’t know by the end of the interview, but your interest might be piqued. The segment was brilliantly designed, calculated so as to not let you know what the authors are up to.

The only topic discussed was sweeteners (particularly aspartame). There was no talk about not drinking cow’s milk, or about suffering, or about not having the right to use animals. And I didn’t expect that. I anticipated the health angle and that’s what I got.

Four dishes were prepared for Ellen, who liked all of them (and I’ve seen her not enjoy food–she usually lets you know if she doesn’t find an item delectable), and the concentration was on them all being cholesterol free.

Ellen did mention that the authors seem to be yelling at the reader and that their style is abrasive. She also said parts were difficult to read but didn’t say why. Fortunately, Ellen said the book has changed her life and that it tells you what you should and shouldn’t be putting in your body. She said she’s a different person since reading the book.

The advice that was given was about buying organic if you can and keeping food plain, natural and clean, without chemicals and preservatives. Nothing was said about any animal product.

Of course, inquiring minds want to know if Ellen has gone vegan. I’d imagine that she might not want to out herself again, though it would be great if she let the world know the extent to which her life has changed.

You can comment about the books and the episode here, and you can e-mail words of encouragement, questions, and your own story about your experience with the SKINNY BITCH books, if you’d like.

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  1. I thought it was awesome that the audience got copies of both books and they sampled vegan cookies.
    I was annoyed that they avoided the V words and that they kept saying cholesterol-free instead of cruelty-free. But I think a lot of people may change their ways due to that book (I'm optimistic about it) so I think it's OK to get it out there however they can.

    May 24, 2008

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