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More on the PPS Emergency

Because my professional life is all about confidentiality, my personal life is that way too. I didn’t want to divulge the reason for the emergency at Peaceful Prairie because it’s not my place to pass on other people’s personal details. But then I received a notice all about it, so I can safely reveal the deal. Verbatim, in fact.

After years of suffering debilitating back pain, Chris Alley-Grubb is scheduled for surgery in mid-August. The recovery time will be nearly three months long and we need YOUR help now more than ever.

Chris does the work of ten people, without complaint. When he’s not working full-time taking care of Kidney Dialysis patients, he volunteers at least 50 hours a week here at the sanctuary. His dedication and generosity have been boundless. His loving, respectful and comforting touch has been felt by thousands of animals who never knew anything but pain, fear, and sorrow before he put his strong arms around them.

He has dedicated his life to the hands-on care of thousands of victims of animal agribusiness, always giving them 100% of himself.

Now he needs your help!

In preparation for his surgery and recovery, we will need to purchase three months worth of alfalfa hay, pig and birds’ feed, and bedding.

The cost for all of the animal’s food and bedding will be nearly $4,000.

Contributions are needed as soon as possible so we can make arrangements for the purchase and deliveries. Please share as much as you can – Chris will be able to be assured that all is well during the difficult recuperation period ahead.

Any help you can now provide will lessen his load during this time of recovery.

Thank You!


One Comment Post a comment
  1. Mike Grieco #

    Hi Mary,
    Thanks for putting the word out for 'Peaceful Prairie'. A Truly a great cause worth giving money to.
    Many thanks to Chris,for all you do. Get well soon.
    *Peace & Health*

    July 22, 2007

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