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Responsible Policies for Animals Members & Friends!

Today, March 30th, at 3:00 East Coast time, Susan Soltero of  Puerto Rico will interview me live on the air at WALO Radio about Responsible Policies for Animals' 10,000 Years Is Enough campaign to get our universities out of the meat industry!

Susan e-mailed after receiving RPA's news release on the organization's recent mailing to the governors of all 50 states about our land-grant universities' (LGUs') meat-industry problem.

The interview is scheduled for 10-15 minutes of Monday's one-hour show.  For our non-Spanish-speaking friends: The station works in Spanish.  During the interview, my responses to questions (in American English) will be translated.  Some key words are in English at the website, which gives clear instructions for streaming.  There's an Archive icon for possible later listening.

The University of Puerto Rico, an "1862" LGU founded in 1900, operates a slaughter facility killing small ruminants — typically goats and sheep, cattle being large ruminants. 

(Ruminants are four-footed, hoofed, even-toed, cud-chewing mammals with four stomachs.  We humans, herbivores like ruminants, are fine with one stomach — we don't eat the really tough stuff like grass.  Unlike many humans, they don't burden their bodies with flesh they didn't evolve to eat or factory stuff like hydrogenated oils or tooth-eroding sugar & acid concoctions unless given them by humans.)

Like almost every one of our other 105 LGUs in the 50 states and other territories, the University of Puerto Rico, along with its immensely valuable services, unfortunately gives the meat industry inestimable millions of dollars' worth of training, research, and promotions.  Achieving humane treatment of animals is inconceivable with our big, popular universities teaching the opposite!

Thank you for making it possible to represent the animals' — including the human animal's — interests!  Let me know if you hear the show!  Have a great day and evening!

David Cantor
Executive Director
Responsible Policies for Animals, Inc.
P.O. Box 891
Glenside, PA 19038

Responsible Policies for Animals, Inc., a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit organization, shows people how to establish responsible policies for animals that are also responsible policies for people and ecosystems – meaningful, enforceable basic rights for nonhuman animals, the only means to humane treatment as public policy rather than personal choice. 
    RPA’s 10,000 Years Is Enough campaign aims to end our land-grant universities’ support of the meat industry — see and 
    RPA's This Land Is Their Land campaign aims to protect wildlife by ending armed assaults and destructive land-use practices.  See Campaigns page at
    RPA's position statement opposing violence and other antisocial behavior in association with animal advocacy is available at or by request. 
    Donations to RPA are tax deductible as allowed by law and may be made at the above address or

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. Mike Grieco #

    Many thanks to David Cantor and of course to you too, Mary!

    RPA is a great voice for the voiceless!

    March 30, 2009
  2. Mary… this is great! What a fine organization to represent.

    But I've never wanted to speak/read Spanish so much as now… I can't find your interview. 🙁

    March 30, 2009
  3. Mike Grieco #

    Hi Mary,

    Unfortunately the interview didn't happen (bad connection).
    Perhaps it will very soon ..for the non human animals and us, too 🙂

    April 1, 2009

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