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Is the ALF a Gray Matter?

I read a blog this morning referring to animal people as "terrorists." You’ve heard it before, so I don’t need to promote his blog.

The Animal Liberation Front, which I do not claim to know personally, destroys property and liberates animals undergoing unspeakably cruel experiments. I understand that by doing so the ALF is breaking the law.

I’m Switzerland on this one.

My Gray Matter is this: I believe there are situations when the law should be trumped by something greater, such as a humane ethic. However, I’m not sure if this is one of them. I understand the passion and also the desperation of people who simply cannot stand by and allow nonhuman animals to be horrifically tortured, sometimes for seemingly no reason at all (except to get more grant funds).

However, the liberation of laboratory animals creates a public perception that may make it more difficult to get other animals liberated by lawful means. After all, the liberated animals, in many cases, will simply be replaced.

Breaking the law isn’t the problem (for me), the problem is feeding the notion that animal people are violent and don’t respect the property of others.

If the goal is to change the entire system, the entire culture’s view of animals and our relationship with them, then shouldn’t we do it in a way that persuades each part of the system (consumers, legislators, manufacturers, etc.) that there is a good reason to change?

It’s a far longer-term solution, but it’s also a potentially permanent one.

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