Exporting Philanthropy
When I wrote about creating a philanthropy plan I received wonderful e-mails from people who appreciated the advice. I concentrated on charities in the US, as other than Food For Life Global, I haven’t researched any sufficiently to make a recommendation. I’ve traveled extensively, often with some kind of humanitarian group, but never with an animal group.
Luckily, Joellen Secondo has, and she even has an online journal of her travels to India on the Best Friends website. She wrote me regarding donating to charities in other countries, particularly India, where, she said, "even tiny (by American standards) donations go a long way."
She continues:
Yes, there is the issue of transparency and accountability, but there are a number of non-U.S. organizations that have been vetted in one way or another by U.S. organizations, such as WSPA, HSI, or Best Friends Animal Society. I visited most of the organizations in India to which I give funds. I also like the idea of giving money to animal groups in the Middle East, where local support for animals is non-existent to negligible. (The Best Friends Network International Friends community often reports on animal groups in places where animal-lovers face an uphill battle.)
Many non-U.S. based groups accept PayPal on their website, or provide a U.S. address to which a check can be sent. If prospective donors want to get more "bang for their buck," they should would consider sending money outside the U.S.
Thanks, Joellen, for the tutelage. Please also note that Joellen sells all kinds of crafts made by people in India and gives all the profits to animal groups. 23 of the 32 products are vegan, and she has begun purchasing vegan-only products and will continue to do so. Check them out!