If you recall, the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) passed last November and was signed into law in December.
Please urge your representatives to attend a briefing, TOMORROW, that will discuss issues of free speech and how the AETA now sets the stage for the criminalization of peaceful forms of advocacy undertaken by citizens and organizations seeking change. The briefing is organized by the Equal Justice Alliance and the Office of Rep. Tom Lantos of California. Speaking will be Heidi Boghosian, executive director of the National Lawyers Guild; Odette Wilkens, executive director of the Equal Justice Alliance; Will Potter, freelance journalist; and possibly Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio. The briefing will take place TOMORROW, Wednesday, March 21, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. in room 2255 of the Rayburn House Office Building.
Please, call your representative and senators today. Then, send a follow-up e-mail.
Thank you.