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Arithmetic and TMI at Project Treadstone

Meet Undici . . .


And Dodici . . .


I'm not sure what they were looking at, but it wasn't my iPhone.

Undici is female and was pregnant (first trimester) with three babies. Dodici is male.
Dodici is Italian for 12. (I took five years of Italian and try to use it whenever I can.)
He is the 12th Project Treadstone cat, and I hope the people north of me hurry with their approval of the spay RV because there are about 30 unsterilized cats remaining.
Here's some basic arithmetic for you: four of the six females trapped thus far were pregnant. One had eight babies and was close-to full term. The total of babies not in this world due to Project Treadstone, coincidentally, is 12.

I wanted a bit more information about how the babies die, as I feared I was being brushed off with "once the mother is under anesthesia, they die." And there is a bit more: Once under anesthesia they fall asleep, like their mother, and then the blood vessels to the uterus are cut and tied off and the uterus is removed intact (removed intact? sounds like an oxymoron). The lack of oxygen circulating through the bloodstream while the babies are asleep is what is fatal.

Have a great day.

CORRECTION: As it turns out, Undici and Dodici already had names: Fluffy Black Tail and Spazzy Stripe. I apologize.

One Comment Post a comment
  1. Excellent job Mary! That there are 12 less now translates into potentially hundreds relieved of miserable lives… I'm glad you know more of the babies that die – It seems much better this way.

    March 9, 2009

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