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What is Oprah Thinking?

No, he's not a vegan. And his reasoning isn't my reasoning, but he has some great points.
I caught the last few minutes of Oprah a couple of days ago, when she gave grilled KFC to the audience and apparently announced the giveaway. What I was thinking about was:

  • Did she not watch her own show about the treatment of the animals we use as food?
  • Did she forget that PeTA awarded her "Person of the Year" last year, largely for exposing the conditions of animal farms?
  • Did she forget all about "conscious eating" and her friend, Kathy Freston?
  • Has Dr. Oz not made the progress he appeared to be making with her?

I don't know if she has ever claimed to know about the dangerous carcinogen found in grilled chicken, but to hawk such a product after the information and experts she has presented to her audience is the height of hypocrisy.

What I agree with in the above video (and there's plenty to agree with) and what I appreciate most, is that what Oprah's audience doesn't realize is that Oprah's sponsors aren't good for them. Oprah is a business and promotes businesses. There is no triple bottom line here (people, planet, profit). This is an empire.

It's difficult to take anything Oprah says seriously when she is so willing to act in ways that directly contradict what she says. I don't take much stock in what people say–I look at what they do.

Am I surprised by Oprah? No. I am somewhat surprised by all of the attention this particular bit of hypocrisy is getting, and I'm pleased to see that people are waking up thinking critically.

Oprah has always wanted us to think critically, and it's nice to see that in action.

5 Comments Post a comment
  1. Oprah seems to be much more of a PR saleswoman than a charitable do-gooder. That's what I see in all of her campaigns. But hey, maybe I am wrong. I don't know her personally and can't speak concretely on her character. But, she's Oprah. She could easily say "No, I won't support factory farming and if you have a problem with that, I quit." What are they going to do, let her go for KFC? I don't think so. Yet, she chose not to take a stand and that is something I do not admire.

    May 7, 2009
  2. I thought the guy in the video made many great points, too. Nearly 18,000 people have watched this video on YouTube so far. I'm happy to see a pushback against Oprah promoting the products of transnational fast-food corporations.

    Thanks for posting about this issue!

    May 8, 2009
  3. Dina #

    "It's difficult to take anything Oprah says seriously when she is so willing to act in ways that directly contradict what she says. I don't take much stock in what people say–I look at what they do."

    Amen! great post!

    May 13, 2009
  4. chris #

    definitely, it only matters what you do and not what you say, i feel this applies to so many people regarding green issues as well, so many people seem to care greatly about this issue and very few lift a finger past recycling a few cans. check out e3 bank they are a green bank that actually gives interest rate reductions for people investing in eco-friendly products. check them out at

    May 13, 2009
  5. kelley #

    Oprah is a hypocritical joke. The end.

    May 31, 2009

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