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On Homeless Horses and Hawking Happy Meat

My quest for what appears to be the truth about horse slaughter appears to be over, and though individual owners can certainly slaughter their horses, and even eat them if they wish, they cannot send them to a slaughterhouse to…

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Are Horses Still Slaughtered in the US?

I’ve been catching up with responding to comments, which I am so grateful to have in the first place, and I need some help on Ron’s horse slaughter comment. (It’s the most recent one.) I do know that horses are–and…

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To Bernie Sanders: It’s the animals, stupid!

Animal Person reader, Chris, whom I believe is still in Beijing, wrote to The Nation in response to Bernie Sanders’ article “Global Warming is Reversible,” where he addresses the Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act. Check it out. I usually like…

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On Being the Change

This is Humphrey, a perfectly healthy mixed breed dog who showed up on the doorstep my girlfriend’s house one day and wouldn’t leave. She called every shelter, had him scanned, put up posters, asked around and no one claimed him….

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On “I Am An Animal”

I watched “I Am An Animal” on HBO this weekend (and the “a” in “an” is capitalized in some places, and not in others across the various sites that refer to the film, and may I just say that drove…

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On Open Rescue

Check out this open rescue. I’d rather not embed it here, so as to bring traffic to it on YouTube. Notice there are other open rescues to view on the right. Every time I see open rescue footage I have…

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I was urged to read SKINNY BITCH, by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin, by several friends whose transition to veganism increased in velocity exponentially after reading it. All I had previously heard about the book was that some of the…

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On Abolishing Greyhound Racing in MA

When it comes to low-hanging fruit and abolition, getting Greyhound racing banned in Massachusetts, where there are only two tracks, would seem to be a good choice (as opposed to Florida, where there are over a dozen tracks). But pro-racing…

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Why Some Animals Are For Eating

Thanksgiving on the beach on Hutchinson Island was full of surprises, the biggest of which was a discussion about how when we are young we are taught that some animals are for petting and others are for eating, and the…

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On Giving Thanks

Despite the fact that THAT is on my neighbor’s front lawn, I’m going to overlook it and give thanks that he mowed my lawn last week, unsolicited. Today, though I of course must thank the human animals in my life,…

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On Allegedly Funny Videos, Turkey Pardons and Grace

Isn’t that interesting . . . See what culture can do? (Thanks to Mark from Reno for pointing out the video.) I found it odd that the man with the dog gave what he then thought was dog meat to…

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On Thanksgiving Responses and Black Cat Days

The Final Chapter The colleague who sent me the Thanksgiving letter that was accompanied by the turkey quiz responded to me with: Thanks for giving me this important information, Mary… I’m appreciative of your making me more sensitive to this…

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On ZooToo and the Right to Stand While Confined

First, I received a response from the folks at regarding the makeover for animal shelters that I wrote about last week. Dear Mary Thank you for your email, as of right now we are considering farm sanctuaries if they…

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My New, 7-Year Old Hero

Tricia directed me to “Is An Animal A Thing? Or A Being?” where Jampa Williams and her 7-year old son, Noah, write of a stir he caused in school by insisting that animals are not “things” (as in a noun…

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My Response to the Thanksgiving Message

Here’s what I wrote to the fine person who sent me a thoughtful (in his world) Thanksgiving message: Dear xxxxx, Thanks for the lovely message of both thanks and giving. I’d like to add my own message: that we broaden…

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